Since 2016, the Lams lives have changed in many ways. Shirley married a man in China she met through the WeChat app while Steven now lives in the Bronx and works at a Trader Joes’s on The Lower East Side near Ludlow Street. Both “Granny” and her son Bo died so Shirley is now working with various new patients as a home health aide and still living in Bo’s old Henry Street apartment. Cindy is currently enrolled in college and I hardly see Michael much as he continues his studies away from NYC. Despite all the distances between us, I still make it a point to visit Ludlow Street to see Franklin and often meet Shirley and Steven there as well; needless to say, meals are shared. Despite these distances between us, I still consider the Lams family and will continue to make new work as long as they continue to open the door for me.
The Lams of Ludlow Street III